You can add actions onto your barriers definitions by going to the “Actions” tab in an assessment.
Currently, actions can only be added to barrier definitions, but we may expand this functionality in the future.
In an assessment¶
To add an action, click the “Add Action” button.
You can add a description, a due date and a owner for this action.
Additionally, you can link one or more barrier definitions to this action.
Your action will appear in the list of actions.
You can edit, delete, or finish the action. When finishing an action you can choose a completion date.
After completion, the action moves to a second list for finished actions.
You can also add an action directly on a barrier definition page by clicking on the circular “plus” button on the action box.
Action graph¶
The action lists have headers that are divided into two parts. The “plus” button controls the expansion of the list, and the header itself links to an overview of either open or finished actions.
The open action graph is centered around today’s date, showing how much time remains before the action’s due date.
The finished action graph is centered around the action’s due date, allowing you to see how close the completion date was to the original deadline.
In review¶
In a review, actions can be viewed in four places:
Actions indicator: if you add a new barrier and don’t check the ‘Implemented’ checkbox, you’ll see a red circle with the number of actions that are linked to this barrier (if it’s a new barrier this will be 0). This is the actions indicator. Once you add an action plan to implement this barrier, the indicator will turn blue. If one of those actions goes overdue, the indicator will turn red again. The same will happen if you add an action to a barrier that is already implemented. As long as all the actions are not overdue, the indicator will be blue, but as soon as one goes overdue, the indicator turns red. The indicator disappears once all actions have been completed and the “Implemented” checkbox has been checked.
Barrier editor: if you open a barrier editor, you’ll see a list of actions at the bottom. Once a barrier definition is included in the review, you can edit or add to that list of actions directly in the barrier editor.
Actions tab: similar to the definitions tab, you can include, add, edit, delete an action.
The only way to finish an action is outside a review, so this action needs to be unlocked (not in an active review) to finish it.
Hazard tab: For each hazard you will have a panel “Actions” on the side where you can add an action.
This panel will list all the actions that are attached to any barrier definitions used on this specific hazard.